AREA safety manual revisions complete
The AREA safety manual, which was last revised in 2012, has been updated and is in the final stages of production. AREA will print hard copies of the manual and create a .pdf that can be accessed on mobile devices of all operating platforms. We plan to send the manual to safety personnel at each co-op and then to general managers, who can then distribute them to other personnel.
AREA graphic designers are re-creating the printed document and updating the graphs and charts, and Mary Thompson, manager of regulatory compliance, is working on a document that will present, in a side-by-side format, a comparison of the old and new manual, with changes highlighted to more easily note the differences in language.
AREA safety manager Michael Kelley asks that co-ops incorporate the manual into their regular safety meetings and allow co-op employees to review and see the changes.
The statewide is considering doing more frequent, smaller updates. The new manual, both electronic and print versions, will be tabbed, so one small section can be edited at a time. That should allow for more continuous updates.
Kelley says that a lot of hard work has been put into this revision, which is a very technical and detail-oriented task. The revisions incorporate a multitude of new OSHA regulations that took effect in 2015.
The digital comparison copies will be free, and there will be a charge for the printed copies. Co-ops can email Mary at or Michael at to request printed versions.